Friday, May 18, 2012

Firm Foundation

Like most teenagers, I grew up with a small amount of rebelliousness.  Psychologist would agree that it's perfectly normal.  Given the many changes teenagers endure during adolescence.  There is a desire to become independant from parents and to discover who we are as adults in the making.  So there were many times growing up that I would challenge my mother, especially when it came to going to church.  It just didn't seem fair that I had to go to church when my dad and older brother were at home.

Today, however, I thank God that my mother would stand her ground and on some instances, drag my butt to church.  Looking back I can see that being committed to attending church regularly with my mom has deeply effected who I am today.  I must add that, for my mom, it wasn't just church on Sunday mornings.  We were there for Sunday school, Sunday morning service, Sunday evening service, Wednesday night service and the occasional revival meetings.

I can see now the great responsibility we have as parents to, as Proverbs 22:6 tells us, "Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it."  That is a promise that the Bible gives us as parents.  Sadly, what we are seeing in our culture today is a laxidasical approach to "Starting our children off right".  Parents seem to be more concerned with entertainment rather than preperation.  Children and teens are shuffled from one activity to another, staying busy seems to be what we're teaching our kids not faithfulness to the body of Christ.

Now, before you raise your pitchfork, let me just say, There are a lot of parents doing the best they can.  My point is this, if we're not careful, we may be inadvertently teaching our kids the wrong priorities.  Of course we know that just "going to church" is not all there is to Christianity.  But research shows that "When it comes to church engagement, those who attended Sunday school or other religious programs as children or as teens were much more likely than those without such experiences to attend church and to have an active faith as adults." -The Barna Group

As a youth pastor, my heart breaks when week after week I see parents and students missing from our weekly services.  Our teens today face an enormis amount of pressure.  Josh McDowell says that, "They are exposed to sexual temptation, school violence, alcohol, illegal drugs, and a variety of influences that threaten to undo all that we teach them."  Unless you've been living under a rock, you probably already know this. 

I often find that the amount of scripture and teaching I recieved as a child and teenager is what bubbles up in my times of need.  The foundation that my mother helped lay in my life is what I stand on as an adult.  Dr. Glen Schultz says, "At the foundation of a person's life, we find his beliefs.  These beliefs shape his values, and his values drive his actions."  Ever wonder why your teen acts the way they act, or says the things they say.  You must look at their foundation.  I always tell my kids that, what you put in you will get out.

Many studies reveal that young people who lack a basic biblical belief system are:
- 225 percent more likely to be angry with life
- 216 percent more likely to be resentful
- 210 percent more likely to lack purpose in life
- 200 percent more likely to be disappointed in life

From the same research they have concluded that these same students are also:
- 36 percent more likely to lie to a friend
- 48 percent more likely to cheat on an exam
- 200 percent more likely to steal
- 200 percent more likely to physically hurt someone
- 300 percent more likely to use illegal drugs
- 600 percent more likely to attempt suicide

Did you know that the majority of today's youth (70 percent) say there is no absolute moral truth.  Also, 81 percent of our students claim that "all truth is relative to the individual and his/her circumstances."  Where are they getting this?  Let's face it, we live in a postmodern world folks and it's everywhere.  When you turn on your TV, radio, and the's all screaming that truth does not exist!

But there is hope, Romans 10:17 tells us that, "Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ."  So, my challenge to parents is, stand your ground and "Start your children off on the way they should go and even when they are old they will not turn from it."  That's God's promise...Amen!



  1. A- to the -MEN!! Same here bro. If as a child you would have asked me about church I would have said I hated being dragged there every service. But today I am so thankful for my parents unwavering insistance. It has shaped my faith and relentless pursuit of God.

  2. I LOVED this post....great job:)
